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Elegant Applications of Appropriate Technology

While creativity is experiencing a renaissance, it is still a rare commodity in most business environments.  Quarterly profits and marketing plans are valued more than creating a product that is both useful and usable.  It is not that the products do not work; they just do not work well.

We are always searching for those products that make life better rather than just complicated.  The following are a few of the products that we especially like to recommend.

Atrex Atrex is the premier solution for inventory management and point-of-sale information capture.  Whether your annual sales are $100,000 or $10,000,000, Atrex allows you to make every sale profitable.  Your only question will be why is it so inexpensive?  Learn more...

Stylistic Think flat.  Think thin.  Think about a PC roughly the size and shape of a thick magazine.  Think about scribbling notes on it, editing documents on it, sending emails or wirelessly shared files on it—all with the stroke of a pen.  It's an interesting thought, isn't it?  A PC you can tuck under your arm, slip discreetly onto a conference table, or hold like a clipboard as you walk through a warehouse, a field, or a corporate corridor.  Learn more...

BCW Workgroup Computer Workgroup Computers save money, time, and energy because they are designed for the way your business works.  Replace several Personal Computers with one Workgroup Computer so that you can focus on running your business rather than becoming a computer technician.  Learn more...

Mimio mimio Xi attaches to any whiteboard and enables you to digitally capture notes or drawings to save, share, and/or integrate into other materials.  Everything that you write or draw on the whiteboard is recorded - in colour and real time - in a highly portable and versatile digital data format.  Learn more...

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